OFA Eye Exam - Bluegrass Veterinary Vision

Bluegrass Veterinary Vision

500 N. English Station Road STE 11
Louisville, KY 40223




OFA Eye Exam


Upcoming OFA Eye Clinics

2024 DATES:

January 26th

May 3rd

July 12th

September 6th

November 1st

* CASH/CHECK ONLY for OFA Eye Clinics


What is OFA Online?

OFA Online is a new online platform that owners can use to create OFA applications. A veterinarian will then complete the exam online and the owner is able to submit their applications to OFA for processing.

What are the benefits?

Minimizes time and potential errors. Improves overall process efficiency for the owner, veterinarian, and OFA. Easily accessible digital records for everyone.

How do OFA Eye Certifications with Dr. Tolar work?

All OFA Eye Certification appointments or clinics are required to preregister and complete the OFA online sign up. Once this has been complete please call Bluegrass Veterinary Vision at 502-242-5504 and we are then able to schedule an appointment.

When you arrive for your appointment we will come out to you dilate your dogs eyes. If you have a Dalmatian, Australian Shepherd, or any merle colored breed we will do an examination prior to the dilation. The dilation takes approximately 30 minutes and can last up to 4-6 hours.

We will bring you into an examination room and your pet will be scanned for a microchip and the examination will be performed. If you have multiple dogs we will have you help shuttle dogs back and forth while Dr. Tolar is doing the examinations. You are responsible for making sure we are doing the examination on the correct dog.

How do I get started with the OFA Online process?

The first step is that you create an OFA Online Profile:

1)  Go to ofa.org. 

2)  On a desktop or laptop, look above the dark blue line and find, and click on, “Log In To OFA Online”.  

     a.  On a smartphone or a tablet, locate the three bar menu icon, click it, then scroll down to, and click on,“Log In To OFA Online”. 

     b.  You can also go directly to the site online.ofa.org. 

3)  Look below the Login box and locate the orange “Start Here” button. 

4)  Click on it. 

5)  Click on “Create Owner Account”. 

6)  Choose your country and time zone. 

7)  Enter the email address you plan to use for your login. It is helpful if you use the email address you have used on previous submissions to OFA, since availability of OFA Records from your profile depend on matching emails. 

8)  Complete the profile information as you would like to see it on certificates and reports. 

     a.  The owner of the account will always be listed as an owner for anything submitted through OFA Online. 

9)  An email will be sent to the address provided with a temporary password. 

     a.  This can sometimes take a few minutes to show up, so be patient. 

     b.  Keep an eye on the Spam/Junk folder. Often things that are thought to be “Not Received” have landed in there.  

     c.  Adding ofaonline@offa.org to your list of safe senders and/or contacts may help keep communications from landing in  Spam. 

     d.  If you have not received a temporary password email within 15-20 minutes, you can “reset password”. Once you request  a password reset, the old temp password is no longer valid and will not work. 

10) Once you get logged in for the first time, a message will appear at the top of your page reminding you to create a password better suited for long-term use.  

Create a New Application 

This is where you will start to create any type of application in OFA Online. The pin on the roadmap of the corresponding color will also allow you to create a new application. 

From your homepage in your profile:

1.  Click on "Create a New Application” or the blue pin on the roadmap. 

2.  The OFA may have information about your dog already. Type in their registration number or microchip number (letters and numbers only, no spaces or special characters), in the first field and click the orange icon of a sitting dog to search. You may also be able to choose a dog from a previous application created in OFA Online. 

3.  If your dog has a record with OFA matching that registration number or microchip number, their name will appear and you can click on it. The fields will auto-populate with what OFA has on file. If not, complete the dog's information. 

4.  If there is a co-owner, type their name. Note: the name of the account holder will always be listed as the owner. If you do not want your name on the application, the owner of the dog should create a profile (if they don’t already have one) and create the application in their own profile. 

5.  For exams to be performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist participating in OFA Online, click the box next to “Online Exams” 

     a.  Choose the location of the exam.  

     i.  The Health Clinic option shows OFA Online health clinic events, offering OFA Online CAER exams, available in the next 6 months. If the exam is going to be performed at a health clinic event, check the box next to the day/location of the health clinic. Be sure to check the clinic posting under “Health Clinics” for any additional instructions from the clinic coordinator.  

     b.  Click "Save". 

What happens after the examination is complete?

The owner will receive a PDF email with the final results and has access to the results in your online account. As the owner you will need to follow the following steps to submit this examination to OFA.

1. Owner logs into OFA Online account

2. Click on “submit completed applications to OFA”

3. Selects application to submit

4. Enters digital signature

5. Completes payment information for OFA

6. Submits for processing **This step is optional, it is up to the owner whether or not they would like to
submit applications to OFA for certification**

Questions regarding the online registration process?



OFA Phone: 573-442-0418